Timber Falling
Timber Harvesting
Mainline is a turn-key solution to commercial falling for the region’s logging industry. Mainline serves the eastern US and is prepared for travel. We have a team of company fallers supplemented with subcontractors. We specialize in steep terrain and oversized hardwood where mechanization is limited. Mainline will provide the value recovery from the stump and will meet your merchandising specs. We have trained foresters and will meet the cut prescription requirements. We cut for conventional ground-based, cable, and helicopter logging. Mainline is fully insured and can provide complete job execution.
ROW : Right of Way
Our falling services for road, pipelines, oil and gas, and power lines ROW is cost effective with immediate response time. Hand falling right of way improves machine utilization and keeps equipment focused on clearing, grubbing, and grade. Our right of way felling keeps the saws in professional hands and off your payroll.
Land and View Clearing
For land development and view enhancement, Mainline is safe and efficient. Jobs are managed by the day, by the acre, or other terms as best suited for the job.
Hazard Tree and Wildfire
Mainline is a hazard tree felling contractor for wildland fire and disaster recovery. We have a VIPR contract regions 1 and 2 and are posted available nationally. We provide hazard felling, blow-down bucking and slashdown, and salvage.